1. Download the app (requires Android version is 10 or higher):
- From your android device, select Google Play or Play Store:
- Search for “promisepoint" and find the blue and white "4 corner" icon
- Make sure the app is published by Breakaway Adoption Solutions, apk name com.atos.promisepoint31
- Previous version was published by David Malach apk name: com.atos.promisepoint
- Tap on the PromisePoint app:
- If you are having trouble finding the app, try this web link to take you directly to the app
- Tap the INSTALL button, then ACCEPT to accept the installation:
2. Start the app:
- Tap OPEN from the app:
- Tap Continue when the Welcome screen displays.
- Enter your Client Code and tap Go.
Note: Typically this will be your organizations client ID code.
- Log in to PromisePoint using your username and password:
3. Using the options available:
- Select Assignments, Resources, Transcripts or Help:
- Tap Assignments to access your learning.
- Curriculums assigned will display; tap the curriculum needed to access the courses:
- Tap Resources to access documents.
Note: When accessing Resources be sure to have the document types installed on your device. For instance, the documents below are Microsoft Word. You will need Microsoft Word installed to view them.
- Select your categories until you have drilled down to the necessary document:
- Tap Transcripts to view your transcript report:
Note: The example below shows no learning activity yet.
- Tap Help to bring up PromisePoint Helpdesk into an internet browser:
- Tap to key in a keyword or title, to use the Search feature:
- Then, tap the magnifying glass:
- Tap either category to view your results: