If a user has a question about their PromisePoint community they can ask a question using the Question and Answer menu, listed on the homepage, if your site has decided to use this feature.
1.) To ask a question, click on the Question and Answer button on the homepage:
2.) Browse the Topics to see if your question has been asked and/or answered.
If your question has not been asked or answered, click on “Ask A Question:”
3.) Ask the question:
- First key in the Title of your question, within a 135-character limit.
NOTE: Most just key in the question.
- Second, choose which Topic it should go under, if there are multiple topics to select from, you can use the scroll arrow to find it.
- Thirdly, next, add all details pertaining to your question.
4.) Once you have completed the fields necessary to ask a question, scroll down to see the submit button and click, Submit.
NOTE: You can also add data to your question if your community wants to use it in a search feature.
5.) Once your question has been submitted it will be saved as unpublished and open, until a moderator for the topic has had a chance to review it and answer it. This means that no one will be able to see the question but you and the moderator:
6.) Once your question has been answered and set at resolved, you will see it and who answered it. If the answer has not been published only you will see it.
In this example, the moderator also set the question and answer to be published, pinned, and featured: