Learn how to Manage the Roster as an instructor by watching this short video that covers accessing PASS's session scheduler through PromisePoint, finding and working with the session, and accessing and printing the roster.
Video: Manage the Roster (1110)
Or follow these quick steps:
Manage Roster and Add yourself to the session as the instructor
- Log into PASS.
- Enter your username and password; then click Log In. The PromisePoint Home screen displays.
- Click the Class Management option on the menu. The Class Management page displays.
Note the Class Management option may be called Classroom Schedule or another type of name, depending on how your site's PromisePoint was set up.
Note: The first time you use the scheduler you need to enter your email address before you can continue.
- Click Event Management. The PASS session scheduler displays.
- Click the Calendar icon.
- Select the appropriate date of the session you want to edit. The calendar displays the selected date and the sessions for the date.
- To modify session details, double-click the appropriate session. The Edit Session window displays.
- Click in the Instructor field.
- Type your name. The system auto-populates with matching results.
- Click the appropriate result. Your name displays in the Instructors field.
- Click Save.
- Click Close.
Note: To remove an instructor or facilitator from the session, click the red X icon next to their name.
Enroll students to the session
- From the session scheduler in PASS, right-click the appropriate session; then click Session Roster. The roster displays.
- Click in the Student Name field.
- Enter the student’s name. Matching results auto-populate as you type.
- Click the appropriate student. The student’s name displays in the Student Name field.
- Click Enroll. The student is added to the session.
- To minimize the green confirmation ribbon, click the X Close button.
Update a Student's Status from the Session Roster
- Select the appropriate student from the roster.
- Use the Enrolled, Attended, or Not Attended buttons above to update their status, and use the Drop Student and Unenroll Student buttons to drop or unenroll the student from the session.
Print the Roster from the Session Roster screen from your internet browser
- Click Print Roster. The roster preview displays in a new Internet browser tab.
Note: You need to use the printer options for the Internet browser you are using.
- Click the Options icon.
- Click Print. The system dialog window displays.
- Select the appropriate printer; then click Print.