PromisePoint supports automated and recurring bulk loading of users. This document describes the file format to use when sending users to be loaded. Because these files are processed programmatically, it is necessary to follow the format instructions. Failure to do so may prevent users from logging into PromisePoint or from accessing learning.
If you have any questions, please let us know.
Drop location
FTP drop location: http://promisepoint.brickftp.com
Please request access to an FTP folder from your assigned Breakaway contact and indicate how often you will drop a file for upload. You will notice a folder named “user_bulk_load” as your drop folder.
File Format
The document should be a comma delimited text file (*.csv) that follows the exact order of headings detailed in your organizations template.
Regardless of template, there are some basic rules you must follow.
- Location – required. This is the largest grouping for a user. It’s usually the building they are physically located in. Check with your engagement manager for hierarchy options.
- Last Name – required.
- First Name – required.
- User ID – required. A user’s unique identifier for your organization.
- Job Title – required
- Dept Title – Required
- Status (A or I) – required. A for active (use this for new and updates to users). I for Inactive.
- No spaces before or after data
- Avoid special characters such as parenthesis, slashes, periods, commas, ampersands, single or double quotes, etc.
- Avoid blanks. Blanks in required fields will fail the process.
- No empty rows between users or extraneous data such as comments or non-user data.
- Do not alter column order.